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Re: 1.5.13: vim suspend/resume term garbaged

Cory Sharp wrote:

> I just updated my Cygwin to 1.5.13 and now in vim when I suspend
> (CTRL-Z or :suspend) then resume (fg), my term is corrupted such that
> term control sequences (cursor movement, redraw screen, etc) produce
> only garbage output.  This is the case in both a WinXP console and
> rxvt, both bash and zsh, and both my original and a clean environment.
>  Invoking a subshell from vim (:!bash or :!zsh) then exiting the
> subshell to resume vim does not exhibit this problem.
> I did not have this problem with Cygwin 1.5.12 that I installed on 4
> Dec 2004.  I'm not really sure about how or where to go about
> debugging or resolving this issue.  Any help is appreciated.

This has already been reported about three weeks ago and fixed in
<>.  1.5.14
seems likely to be due in the near future and would obviously include
the fix.


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