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strange hang/loop with 20051224 - 14:34 snapshot

With the 20051224 - 14:34 snapshot I see a strange hang while
building OOo.

The build script hangs and the system is running on 100%. Now the
funny part. I see one perl "hanging" (process is shown by ps and
task manager) and I see another perl process (only shown in the task
manager) popping up with a lot of resource use (30-70%) and then
vanishing again. Whenever the task manager refreshes the processes
there is this second perl, but always with a new PID.

A "ls /proc/*/fd" doesn't help either, but it shows some lines like this:

ls: /proc/2468/fd: No such file or directory

0@  1@  2@  3@  4@

0@  1@  2@  3@
ls: cannot read symbolic link /proc/3424/fd/3: No such file or directory

I don't have a short testcase :( .

Unfortunately I didn't test all the recent snapshots, the previous
one (it worked for me) was from 20051106.


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