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RE: executable = exe + data

Sam Steingold wrote:
>> Then your options seems to have shrunk to a "launcher" that basicly
>> does
>>   system("lisp.exe -M lispinit.mem")
> :-)
> this is what we have been doing for well over 15 years

... well, time for some progress ;-)

>> Can you elaborate on _why_ the "single executable" is so important?
> It is not important to _me_, but this is a recurring request by lisp
> newbies who ask something like "how do I create an executable from my
> lisp application, similar to C and C++?"

 Ahh... Well.
 I wonder, would it not be possible to extract portions of code from
"lisp.exe" above (looking for the "-M" option - assuming you have access to
the source, GPL?), such that the code does what you're asking for - given
some tweaking.
 That combined with the linker object thingies discussed earlier -> Voilá.
Maybe add some "automatic" scripting and you're finally "home".


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