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RE: Color Schemes

On 31 August 2006 00:40, mwoehlke wrote:

> Dave Korn wrote:

>> Unfortunately I don't know anything about how to make cygwin aware of these
>> colours.
> Aware? Cygwin is never aware of them; that's the point. All the terminal
> knows is '1;32', '0;37', etc. It is the job of the terminal emulator to
> decide how to present those. That's the whole point of my suggestion to
> change them at that level, where the underlying programs *don't* know a
> thing about it. That way they can't break it. :-)
> It sounds to me like what Richard is currently doing is changing the
> color code used for the default background (which will cause problems),
> rather than leaving it alone and changing the presentation of the
> various color codes.

  Indeed, and referring back to his original mail, the problem is that every
utility seems to require a different way of setting the colours he uses,
whereas he wants some global setting /like/ the properties but in a
cygwin-aware fashion.

  AFAIUI, the mapping of escape codes to which visual colours they mean is
utterly fixed by ANSI, and it is, as you say, the termulator's job to display
the correct visual colour.  We could attempt in cygwin's console-handling code
to look up the current console's current palette and attempt some kind of
best-fit matching, at least in theory, but there's still the old SHTDI problem

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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