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git problem on windows xp follow up.

I neglected to include the cygcheck output the second time I sent
this, I am sorry for
double posting to this list.  I have included the original message below.

Original message follows:

I have a git repository that I can clone fine from linux and macosx
clients, but when I try to
clone it on windows I get a "cannot  find shell32" error.  Now,
shell32 exists happily in my
c:\WINDOWS\system32 directory, and that directory is a part of my
path.  I do not have
the exact error from the git-clone command, but essentially the same
thing happens if
I copy over a working clone's .git directory to windows, and do
git-checkout master.  I get:

$ git-checkout master
    12 [main] git-read-tree 1680 C:\cygwin\bin\git-read-tree.exe: *** fatal err
or - could not load shell32, Win32 error 487
    12 [main] git-read-tree 1680 C:\cygwin\bin\git-read-tree.exe: *** fatal err
or - could not load shell32, Win32 error 487

I have attached the info from cygcheck.  I'm sure it says this, but I
do have unix line-feeds set, not
dos line feeds.

Thanks much.

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Binary data

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