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Re: A Utility that creates .SFV (Simple File Verify)

[ -- cut lots of stuff -- ]
As mentioned in the previous post, I have never compiled any application under cygwin. So a learning
curve exists for me, thus these questions come to mind. According to the cksfv page, a comment
mentions compiling the source for use under Windows, yet I am not familiar with these tools. Here's
an excerpt from the comment.

"compile on Windows using gcc, mingw and GNU make from Cygwin (standard install, no other settings
required) and I can tell that it works like a snap :-)
The only needed dependency will be cygwin1.dll so the Windows binary version could even be
distributed too."

What is gcc and how do you install it?
What is mingw and how do you install?
What is cygwin1.dll and how to you get it?
What is the difference between make and gmake?

As far I can tell, I have ggc, make, cygwin1.dll on my cygwin installation.

If you have gcc already, then you should be okay.

I just downloaded cksfv-1.3.10.tar.gz (which ended up being an
ungzipped tar archive even though the file name still had the .gz on
the end).
So a 'mv cksv-1.3.10.tar.gz cksv-1.3.10.tar' and a 'tar -xvf
cksv-1.3.10' and I had a new directory.
I cd'd to cdsv-1.3.10 and ran './configure' which worked fine.
Then I ran 'make' and 'make install' and voila.

Of course, the directories it defaults to putting it in may not be in
your path.  The '/usr/local' directories are in my path, but I can't
remember if I added them myself or if they are automatically put


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