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Re: Error when attempting to start inetd

Michael Grand wrote:
René Berber wrote:

Probably your firewall is blocking any communication.

I have tried this with the firewall turned off, and I still cannot connect. The port is in the allow list, so it should work anyways. Would AVG or SpySweeper block the pop3 and imap ports? Exim appears to work fine, and I rather doubt that the previously named programs would not block smtp as well.

They tend to proxy incoming mail ports. If you happen to be running a mailserver on localhost, this is usually going to break.

I don't get any log output from inetd, so this is strange (and TBird is opening
and closing several connections all the time, imapd does send some output to

Almost all of those connections will be to AVG (though thunderbird will not be aware of that).

I added -d (debugging) to the arguments list in the hopes that it would yield further information on the problem.

Since I assume /usr/sbin/uw-imapd.exe does exist (no need to put the .exe), I
have no idea what is wrong, perhaps "C:\Cygwin\bin" is not on your global
(Windows) PATH and the required libraries (.dll) can't be found.

PATH has "c:\cygwin\bin" in it.

In the user variables or system variables? (System Properties, Advanced, Environment Variables)

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