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Webdav batch file transfer: curl, wget

Gregg Reynolds schrieb:
On 9/7/07, Richard Ivarson <> wrote:
For example, until now I've to do these steps:

 > cadaver
this asks for username and password, then enters cadaver's command mode

there I've to enter:
* mget the_files
* quit

If all you're only doing standard http methods try wget. curl if you need real webdav methods.

Hi Gregg,

thanks for this good hint!

Indeed I'd just like to fetch, say, five files from my Webdav server
automatically with a script (which I start however and so can enter one
password at its begin, for example)

 A) *wget*
Fetching the files with wget works:
 wget --user=NAME --password=PASS

I've seen two handicaps:
1) I want to use a script so I don't want to store the password in the script
file. Ommiting "--password" doesn't ask for it, however.
2) Not a big one because I could specify them: I'd like to be able to get
fileBB ... fileEE.txt too.

B) *curl* You mentioned "curl" which I didn't know yet but I do now (a bit) ! It actually does what I've been looking for. So no need to run a complex "expect" command on "cadaver".

 curl --user NAME:PASSWORD{fileAA,fileBB,fileCC,fileDD,fileEE,}.txt -O
-O -O -O -O

Just great. How I love these Unix tools - and Cygwin which makes Windows useable. And of course the people helping each other.

Btw, I still got two small questions:
1) Is there a simpler way than the five "-O"'s I used? Would a wildcard be
possible (didn't find a mention in the manpage, however).
2) What actually is the main difference between wget and curl ?

Again thanks and all the best.


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