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Re: cygwin g++ strictness

----- Original Message ----- From: "Václav Haisman"
Sent: 31 October 2008 11:54
Subject: Re: cygwin g++ strictness

That has nothing to do with your problem. Reference to int and reference to long are two totally unrelated types. The implicit conversions of C/C++ only apply to values, not references.

Ah, fair enough, I'd never thought about it but it's obvious now you've mentioned it.

No, casting is not an option, really. You have references. What do you intend to cast x and y to?

Maybe it's a happy accident but this seems to compile and link (and work)

int AddTwoInts (int& a, int& b);

int32_t x = 4;
int32_t y = 5;
int z = AddTwoInts ((int&)x, (int&)y);  // Compiles, links and works
int zz = AddTwoInts (x, y);  // Doesn't compile

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