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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] [1.7] Updated: file-5.00-1

Dave Korn wrote:

>   The purpose of playing these games is in order not to drag in the whole
> exception handling machinery into a statically-linked application unless we
> actually need it.  We're relying on detecting an unlinked weak symbol by it
> having a value of zero at runtime.  That usually works, but the pointer
> variable register_frame_info_ptr must have some kind of reloc pointing at it,
> because rebase adjusts it, so instead of zero it becomes equal to the
> difference between the new and old base addresses.

  That rang a bell, and reminded me of something Danny posted a little while back:

  So I believe now this is a symptom of a buggy ld already fixed upstream.
I'll try the testcase again against one of my CVS builds of binutils and
report back, but I expect it will fix the problem and rebase will no longer
alter the unlinked weak null-initialised pointer.


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