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Re: 'less': <HOME><END> not working with 'mintty' > v0.3.6

Andy Koppe wrote:
Lee D. Rothstein wrote:
However, while <HOME> works, <END> generates:


on the bottom command line and doesn't change the rest of the
screen. If I then type <Ctrl>-C (required to allow keyboard input
to be accepted, at all, at this point), and then, <END>, and
<HOME> both work.

I'm sorry, but I'm out of ideas on this one. ESCOF is the End keycode in less's output notation, where the escape character is shown as ESC, so that ought to match "\eOH goto-line". Even stranger that ^C would fix it. (It's working fine here, both on 1.5 and 1.7.)

I installed .0.4Alpha1, and at first it had a very similar problem, except instead of the ESCOF, nothing.
Then magically a few hours later, it all worked, even after opening new mintty window after another.

Very strange.

Thanks for your help.

BTB, v0.4.A1 seems to be working dandy.


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