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Re: Problems when moving Ubuntu -> Cygwin

Endianness seemed a bit unlikely to begin with and after checking the
first three values (type, pkg_nr, nr_samples) I found that they were
the same, and correct, on both systems so endianness is not the
I checked the size of int and long long on both systems and found that
they were the same but when I checked sizeof(struct sample_pkt_t) it
returned 396 on Ubuntu and 528 on Cygwin so I need to find a
workaround for the adressing issue, perhaps that solves the problem.

2009/3/26 Mikael Normark <>:
> Hi,
> I have an application which reads data from TCP/IP packets and writes
> it to a file. The program works fine on Ubuntu but now I need it to
> run on my laptop (Vista) so I built it in Cygwin (without problems).
> The packet data is read into a struct:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> // Holdning the raw sample data and timestamp when
> // the sample was fetched.
> struct sample_t{
> ? ?int sample;
> ? ?long long timestamp;
> };
> // A package that will hold samples data over
> // the TCP transfer.
> struct sample_pkg_t{
> ? ?unsigned int type; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?//Should always be PKG_SAMPLES
> ? ?unsigned int pkg_nr; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?//Counter increased for each package
> ? ?unsigned int nr_samples; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // Shouldbe same as ADC_SAMPLES_IN_PKG
> ? ?struct sample_t sample[SAMPLES_IN_PKG]; // The samples data
> };
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> And the code where the data is written looks like this:
> for(si = 0; si < sample_pkg->nr_samples; si++){
> ? ? ? timestamp = sample_pkg->sample[si].timestamp;
> ? ? ? unsigned int secs = (timestamp>>32);
> ? ? ? long long nsecs = ((timestamp>>17 & 0x7FFF) * 1000000000)/3277; //32768
> ? ? ? // Save as a line with format (channel <tab> timestamp <tab> sample)
> ? ? ? // timestamp is NTP format e.g. seconds since 1 Jan 1900
> ? ? ? sprintf(buf, "%d\t%u%010llu\t%d\n", i, secs, nsecs,
> sample_pkg->sample[si].sample);
> ? ? ? fwrite (buf , 1 , strlen(buf) , pFile );
> }
> The program works fine on Ubuntu but when I run it in Cygwin (yes,
> built in Cygwin from source ;) the secs and nsecs values make no sense
> whatsoever. Typical Ubuntu output:
> 0 ? ? ? 34451499217497700000 ? ?24215
> 0 ? ? ? 34451499217689300000 ? ?23418
> 0 ? ? ? 34451499217908100000 ? ?23022
> 0 ? ? ? 34451499218099400000 ? ?22887
> 0 ? ? ? 34451499218291100000 ? ?23083
> 0 ? ? ? 34451499218482400000 ? ?23956
> 0 ? ? ? 34451499218701200000 ? ?22929
> 0 ? ? ? 34451499218892500000 ? ?23706
> Typical Cygwin output:
> 0 ? ? ? 20601241600000000000 ? ?1883963392
> 0 ? ? ? 14987793713 ? ? 1
> 0 ? ? ? 256220000000000 25221
> 0 ? ? ? 24007802880000000000 ? ?-1976369152
> 0 ? ? ? 15780897162 ? ? 1
> 0 ? ? ? 257650000000000 23954
> 0 ? ? ? 27414364160000000000 ? ?-1635713024
> 0 ? ? ? 16574000610 ? ? 1
> 0 ? ? ? 250970000000000 24616
> First thing that came to my mind was endianness, after doing a simple
> test I determined that both computers are little endian as expected.
> As the data in the IP packet is big endian (right?) I wonder if there
> is any difference between Ubuntu/Cygwin in how (or IF) they handle the
> transition before the data reaches the application?
> Any input on what the problem could be, or on how to determine what
> the problem is, is greatly appreciated.
> Best Regards,
> Mikael Normark

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