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Re: browse-url in emacs

On 6/18/2009 4:58 PM, Marc Girod wrote:
I did it from within emacs, which was maybe not bright.

It just means that you were trying to replace some in-use files. This should work in cygwin 1.7, though you might have to exit and restart emacs to see the effect in some situations.

Anyway, I got a couple of glitches in the postinstall:

/etc/postinstall/ line 9: /usr/bin/update-desktop-database: No such
file or directory
/etc/postinstall/ line 10: /usr/bin/update-mime-database: No such
file or directory


(browse-url "file:///C:/cygwin/home/marc/public_html" nil)

opened me an Explorer window, instead of the html page in Firefox...

I implemented browse-url using cygstart. I think this means that it should open whatever browser you would get by doing Start -> Run and typing the URL.

Thanks, and congratulations!

Thanks for testing.


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