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Cygwin 1.7 GNU screen freezing when disconnected


I have the latest version of screen (4.0.3-4) and using the cygwin 1.7
beta. My host computer has an sshd server running, and it has a screen
session open. I then ssh into my host computer from another computer
and attach to this session with the command:
screen -AOUxR

Sometimes, I get disconnected from my host computer. When this
happens, I cannot reattach to the screen session when I can reconnect
via ssh, and my screen session on the host computer is completely
locked up. ctrl-q, ctrl-a K, doesn't do anything and I have to kill
screen and the program I was running in it.

These are the steps I use to reproduce this:
1. Open a screen session
2. Open a new terminal
3. In the new terminal, connect via ssh to myself
4. Attach to the previously started screen session with the command above
5. In a new terminal, kill the ssh process

After this, the first terminal cannot do anything anymore. My host
computer is running Windows XP.

I have attached my .screenrc and the output of cygcheck -s -v -r.

Thank you,

Attachment: .screenrc
Description: Binary data

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Binary data

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