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Update problems

There are two problems with updating cygwin.

1. If you run setup.exe from bash, bash cannot be updated
because the file is in use. If the libraries have been updated
and bash expects old libraries, for example, you can't do
anything in cygwin. In the update instructions, you should
advise people not to use bash or have setup avoid the problem.
(Other non-shell programs may also have problems, but bash
is the primary problem. To be precise I probably should say that
if one where using a different shell and that shell got updated,
the same type of problem would exist.)

This problem may not exist with I.E. because it may allow you
to execute rather than just save setup.exe. (I don't use I.E.)

I wish I could send you detailed instructions, but I have learned
not to run setup.exe from bash and I don't want to create a
disaster to send you a better bug report.

2. If you choose a different mirror, then the update does not go
smoothly; that is, the update does not know anything about
the previously installed packages, so all sorts of dependencies
get broken.

I suppose that this feature allows some flexibility (one could
have different installs in different directories from different
mirrors), but I suspect that most people just want one install.

Therefore, I suggest that you get rid of the mirror in the path
where the downloaded packages are stored. If you feel there
is a need to keep the mirror in the path, then perhaps you
should make it an "advanced" option.

3. As a wish list, it would be convenient to be able to type
something like (I don't care what the command is called,
for example):

cyg-install $command

where $command is some command like (cal, bash, wget, etc.)
It would make it easier to find the package where a particular
command is installed, however, the above problems (for example,
dependencies getting messed up) would need to be avoided.

I really appreciate the work you have done. The first two programs
I start when I am forced to use a Windows box are cygwin and

I have never had a problem with the initial install, but an update
6 months later can be problematic.

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