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Re: allow executing a path in backslash notation

On Mar 17 12:05, Eric Blake wrote:
> On 03/16/2010 09:07 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > I checked this situation in cmd.exe, and it is not capable of using
> > paths relativ to %Path%.  In other words, if %Path% contains a path
> > c:\foo and you have two files C:\foo\baz.exe and C:\foo\bar\baz.exe,
> > then calling "baz" works, but calling "bar\baz" fails.  OTOH, the
> > SearchPath function does it right.
> POSIX says PATH searches are only performed on single components; they
> are skipped if the argument contains /.  That is:
> PATH=/b c/d
> will NOT execute /b/c/d (unless you happen to be in /b at the time);
> rather it MUST execute ./c/d or fail altogether.  Another term for this
> (at least, in the bash sources) is the notion of an anchored search -
> even though the requested name is relative, the fact that it contains a
> / means it does not trigger a PATH search, but is anchored in the
> current directory.
> Therefore, I see no reason why we shouldn't behave the same for \, since
> we are treating it as a directory separator.  That is, if you have both
> c:\foo\baz.exe and c:\foo\bar\baz.exe, then calling bar\baz should NOT
> care whether c:\foo is in %Path%, but should only work if .\bar\baz exists.

I have it on my todo list.  But not for 1.7.2.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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