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Re: Vertical split in GNU screen

> Hi, i'm new with mailing-lists use!
> i'd like to re-talk about a feature with cygwin screen! How can we add
> the marvellous "Vertical split in GNU screen" with cygwin?
> I know there were a talk about that between Jeenu V <jeenuv at gmail
> dot com> and Andrew Schulman <schulman dot andrew at epamail dot epa
> dot gov> the 19 Apr 2010!
> Thanks in advance for somebody answer!
> If i'm not at the right place to talk about this or if i don't use
> this list in the good way, please don't shout at me, just show me!
> Florent LOTTIN

Hi Florent.  There is a patch that's been available for a while, that adds
vertical split support to screen.  I believe that Debian, Ubuntu, and
probably others already incorporate it into their official screen packages.

I remember the exchange with Jeenu, and after that I did go get the patch,
build screen with it for Cygwin, and try it out.  What I found, if I
remember right, is that I saw a lot of what I considered strange behavior,
and very little documentation or help about how the vertical split feature
is supposed to work.  It didn't seem to me to be working very well, so I
put it aside.

If people would like to try out the patched version, I can post it as a
test release.  Maybe you can tell me if the vertical split feature is
working the way it's supposed to.


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