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Re: 1.7.7: 'Bad address' errors when using Windows 2003 R2 WOW64

On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 9:07 PM, Gerry Reno  wrote:
> On 02/07/2011 02:52 PM, marco atzeri wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 7:19 PM, Gerry Reno ?wrote:
>>> I'm retitling this issue to reflect the proper topic.
>>> My Cygwin installation on Windows 2003 R2 WOW64 is getting "Bad address"
>>> on certain file accesses. ?I observed this when running a bash login
>>> shell where when /etc/profile is being run errors of the type: 'Bad
>>> address' are seen when trying to run the scripts in /etc/profile.d/
>>> directory.
>>> And in this thread it appears to be related to running on 64 bit
>>> hardware even when using 32 bit mode:
>>> ? ?
>>> And as I said in my previous postings under "1.7.7: PATH in Bash shells"
>>> we are running Windows 2003 DATACENTER R2 WOW64 as shown in the cygcheck
>>> output I attached to a previous posting.
>>> So it appears that if this "Bad address" problem was fixed from the last
>>> problem report that apparently there are still some places where it
>>> occurs and I'd like to find out from the Cygwin developers what we can
>>> do to work around the issue or if they could fix the problem.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gerry
>>> --
>> Gerry
>> You missed this point
>>> Problem reports: ? ? ?
>> Marco
> Any why would that be? ?I quite well know how to report a problem.
I have a different impression.

> The previous reported problem was found in Windows 2008.
> This problem is in Windows 2003.
> Different manifestation. ?Different OS's. ?A full year and different
> Cygwin releases apart.

A lot of thing could be wrong on your machine. Starting with standard
problem report
will help anyone interested to invest any time in supporting you.
Without that effort from you side, it is unlikely that someone will look on it.

> Regards,
> Gerry


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