HOMEPAGE="http://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/" SRC_URI="mirror://gnu/auctex/${P#emacs-}.tar.gz" SRC_DIR=${P#emacs-} src_compile() { lndirs cd ${B} cygconf --localstatedir=/var/lib cygmake } my_prepetc() { local d; local f; local -i n; local s; if inherited cross then # postinst/prerm does not apply to cross-compiles return fi for s in postinstall preremove do if [ -f ${C}/${s}.sh -a -f ${C}/${PN}.${s} ] then error "Only one of ${s}.sh and ${PN}.${s} can exist"; fi for f in ${s}.sh ${PN}.${s} do if [ -f ${C}/${f} ] then dodir /etc/${s}; cat >> ${D}/etc/${s}/${PN}.sh < ${C}/${f}; fi done n=1; while [ -n "${pkg_name[${n}]}" ] do if [ -f ${C}/${pkg_name[${n}]}.${s} ] then dodir /etc/${s}; cat >> ${D}/etc/${s}/${pkg_name[${n}]}.sh < ${C}/${pkg_name[${n}]}.${s}; fi n+=1 done done if [ -f ${C}/profile.d.sh ] then exeinto /etc/profile.d; newexe ${C}/profile.d.sh ${PN}.sh; fi if [ -f ${C}/profile.d.csh ] then exeinto /etc/profile.d; newexe ${C}/profile.d.csh ${PN}.csh; fi # System fonts if [ -d ${D}/usr/share/fonts ] then __prep_fonts_dir || error "Fonts postinstall failed" fi # GIO modules if [ -d ${D}/usr/lib/gio/modules ] then __prep_gio_modules || error "GIO modules postinstall failed" fi # GdkPixbuf modules if [ -d ${D}/usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0 ] then __prep_gdk_pixbuf_modules || error "GdkPixbuf modules postinstall failed" fi # GTK+ 2.x modules if [ -d ${D}/usr/share/icons ] then __prep_gtk_icon_theme || error "GTK+ icon theme postinstall failed" fi # GTK+ 2.x modules if [ -d ${D}/usr/lib/gtk-2.0 ] then __prep_gtk2_modules || error "GTK+ modules postinstall failed" fi # GTK+ 3.x modules if [ -d ${D}/usr/lib/gtk-3.0 ] then __prep_gtk3_modules || error "GTK+ modules postinstall failed" fi # GConf schemas if [ -d ${D}/etc/gconf/schemas ] && ! defined _CYGPORT_RESTRICT_postinst_gconf_ then __prep_gconf_schemas || error "GConf schemas postinstall failed" fi # GSettings schemas if [ -d ${D}/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas ] then __prep_gsettings_schemas || error "GSettings schemas postinstall failed" fi # MateConf schemas if [ -d ${D}/etc/mateconf/schemas ] && ! defined _CYGPORT_RESTRICT_postinst_mateconf_ then __prep_mateconf_schemas || error "MateConf schemas postinstall failed" fi # Freedesktop.org Shared Mime Info if [ -d ${D}/usr/share/applications -o -d ${D}/usr/share/mime ] then __prep_freedesktop_mime || error "Shared Mime Info postinstall failed" fi # for d in /usr/share/texmf{,-dist} # do # if [ -d ${D}${d} ] # then # __prep_texlive # break # fi # done for d in /etc/postinstall /etc/preremove do if [ -d ${D}${d} ] then find ${D}${d} -type f -exec chmod 0755 '{}' +; fi done } __src_postinst() { __prepdoc; __prep_symlinks; # __prepemacs; # __prepetc; my_prepetc __prepman; __prepinfo; __prepvargames; __prep_libtool_modules; __prepstrip; __prepuac; __prep_empty_dirs; }