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Re: utf-8 support with getclip?

On 4/18/2012 8:06 AM, Andy Koppe wrote:
> On 17 April 2012 13:35, Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
>> I'm having an issue with getclip and pasting utf-8 strings (like
>> "PONIEDZIAÅEK" for example).  Using mintty and right clicking I get
>> exactly what's in the clipboard.  If I call getclip from the command
>> line, I get PONIEDZIA?EK.  My LANG is set to en_CA.UTF-8.
> Yep, getclip (and putclip) don't have Unicode support (yet?), so
> characters outside your system's ANSI codepage end up as question
> marks.
> The special /dev/clipboard device does have Unicode support though, so
> you could just use 'cat /dev/clipboard' instead of getclip.

It would be nice if putclip/getclip COULD speak Unicode.  PTC. Indeed,
PDS.  (Ditto mkshortcut, lpr, readshortcut...)


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