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Re: Fwd: getting the right setup.bz2

>> If you just want to download all the packages to a local directory and
>> install from there, you don't need a setup.ini (setup.bz2) file.
> THat's good news. However, it seems to lead to the packages being
> lumped under "Misc" as I said earlier. This would seem to make
> deselection by groups of packages impossible, so is there a way to
> bring back the hierarchy in a way that finds the files as well?
> Paul King

Actually, I found a way to coax group selection/deselection in a
certain way, and that was using the search feature in package
selection. I still end up with a lot more stuff than I intended in the
distro. It installed overnight and it is has just stopped installing
after 7 hours or so (mostly due to postinstall, I'm guessing).


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