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Re: Redirecting cat and paste to file gives garbage

On 08/08/2013 11:48 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Aug  8 17:32, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Aug  8 09:48, Ryan Johnson wrote:
Hi all,

(no, that's not a typo in the subject line)

64-bit install, bash inside mintty, all latest packages with the
cygwin1.dll snapshot shown below...

# <<< --- begin STC --->>>
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.1 ryan-laptop-v02 1.7.23s(0.268/5/3) 20130729 19:11:42
x86_64 Cygwin

$ echo "Reading" > /dev/clipboard

# hit [shift]+[insert] to paste
# (hopefully 8 characters is not "too long" to paste into a TTY)
# then hit ^D to finish
$ cat > tmp.txt

$ cat tmp.txt
The only idea I have is this.  The clipboard data is stored as
CF_UNICODETEXT and as the Cygwin-private CYGWIN_NATIVE_CLIPBOARD format.
How's shift-insert implemented in mintty?  If it reads the CF_UNICODETEXT
part and sends it to the pty unchanged, that could explain
this behaviour.
The pty already gets 16 chars.  And pasting the text into CMD or, FWIW,
any Windows console window works as expected.  So this looks like a
mintty bug right now.
That's what I thought at first, too, but it pastes fine directly into the terminal... and then I had a brain cramp and didn't add that to the STC:

$ echo reading > /dev/clipboard
# press [shift]+[insert] here...
$ echo

Still a mintty bug?


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