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Re: newt-0.52.16 patches for Cygwin

Greetings, Michael Verrilli!

> I have been wanting to write some python using the newt (snack)
> module, so I managed to get it to compile pretty cleanly with some
> minor patching.  Is it appropriate for me to submit patches here for
> whoever else might have a need?  Or should I try to contact the
> maintainer?

Depends on the nature of the patches, I say.
If the change is beneficial for a wide audience, it is quite apparent, that
the changes should go upstream.

> This is the tarball I started with:

> I have a patch for the snackmodule.c to allow runtime initializing (4
> lines of code).  Then I needed a bootstrap module (I'm not sure why I
> needed it if it wasn't needed in linux, perhaps I just don't know how
> that works in other environments).  Finally a patch to the
> to make it work with Cygwin and install the bootstrap python module.

> The only other thing to know is when running configure with all the
> standard Cygwin parameters, I needed to --disable-nls.

Mmm... how much implication this thing cause in reality?
Disabling NLS support doesn't sound too right for me.

> Oh, and it has a dependency on slang.

> If patches are appropriate here, let me know and I'll post what I have.

Andrey Repin ( 13.02.2014, <02:56>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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