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Re: Input method in cygwin-x ?


I did some experiments with ibus.

I have a linux machine with ibus installed. When using that machine
natively, I can use ibus without any further configuration, except for
ibus daemon startup. Applications like gnome-terminal, xfce4-terminal,
emacs24, google-chrome and chromium work fine ibus.

When I access that machine from another Windows computer with "ssh -Y
machine" and start ibus daemon with "ibus-daemon&", the following
behavior was obeserved.
1.  ibus worked fine with gnome-terminal, xfce4-terminal and goolge-chrome.
2.  ibus didn't work with xterm, emacs24 and chromium.

I am extremely crazy about different behavior of ibus with
google-chrome and chromium.

I think it is a good idea to bring native Windows IME into cygwin/x.


On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 11:38 PM, Jon TURNEY
<> wrote:
> On 25/03/2015 06:44, Arthur Tu wrote:
>> Is there a way to use input method in cygwin-x environment?
>> For example, when I invoke emacs with
>> """""""""""""""""
>> ssh -X remote-machine
>> emacs
>> """"""""""""""""""
>> I can't use either input methods in local windows machine or those in
>> remote linux server.
> This is something that I want to work, but I'm afraid I have no experience
> using IMEs, so I'm not sure what needs doing, which is why the section [1]
> in the User's Guide is currently empty.  I hope you can help me with
> identifying what that needs to say!
> I believe it should possible to start your IME (ibus, scim, etc.) in the
> remote sessions and have that work.
> Alternatively, there was some work done a while ago to provide a bridge
> between the native Windows IME and the server, which I believe allowed using
> the native Windows IME to input into X windows.  If that is useful, I can
> probably bring that up to date.
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Volunteer Cygwin/X X Server maintainer

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