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Re: Images & PDF output

On Fri, Jun 09, 2000 at 03:48:14PM +0100, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
>  > > It looks mildly cute. But I think it makes my point. an unstable 0.6
>  > > version package which doesn't claim to support all of SVG? Limited to
>  > > Latin1 encoding? thats what I call bleeding edge.
>  > 
>  > Did you have alternative (free, unix) implementations for PDF in mind?
> You haven't said what you want an implementation of. I just installed
> Sketch, I was impressed, very nice. But I don't do that kind of
> drawing. If I want a formal sort of diagram, I use a markup language
> like PSTricks (in LaTeX), or Metapost.

Things like this:

> Metapost rewritten to produce SVG, that would be nice. And rewritten
> so that its input language was XML

I've had a look at MetaPost.  However, I've got to try and keep the 
FreeBSD Documentation Project as accessible as possible -- adding a language
like MetaPost to the list of requirements for a contributor would make me
very unpopular.

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