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Re: Jade/DSSSL vs. DocBook XML V4.1.2

/ Lane Stevens <> was heard to say:
| If the following command is executed with SGMLDECL=xml.dcl, it fails on the
| lower-case "element" and "attlist" declaration types in style-sheet.dtd (By
| the way, changing the case in that file eliminates those errors but leads to
| others. Even so, that feels like the wrong approach to solving this problem.).
| jade -t sgml -d /my/path/html/docbook.dsl myfile.xml
| If I remove SGMLDECL=xml.dcl from the catalog, then I get a series of errors
| related to the fact that X20AC (etc.) is not a function (it appears to
| follow my instructions and not load xml.dcl).

Remove SGMLDECL and execute instead:

 jade -t sgml -d /my/path/html/docbook.dsl /path/to/xml.dcl myfile.xml

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <>      | On the other hand, you have | different fingers.
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

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