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Re: PSGML source moved to Sourceforge

Michael Smith wrote:
> Eric Richardson <> writes:
> > I had problems with XHTML and the xml:lang attribute. It didn't
> > seem to understand namespace syntax.
> I remember hearing somewhere else about this (psgml not liking the
> xml:lang attribute). But I'm sure it's not a problem with psgml
> itself, but instead a problem specific to your environment.
> I say I'm sure because I do all my XHTML authoring in Emacs/psgml and
> have no trouble using any of the XML DTDs (transitional, strict,
> frameset). Psgml parses all of them without squacking, and lets me
> insert the xml:lang attribute anywhere the DTDs say it's valid.
> What exactly is the error message you're getting?

This is from an old post, hopefully it will help.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: psgml and xhtml
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 13:57:28 -0700
From: Eric Richardson <>
Organization: MilagroSoft Inc.
Newsgroups: comp.text.xml

I'm having some problems with psgml xml-mode parsing xhtml.

Docbook xml 4.1.2 is working fine and I can externally parse with nsgmls
so I know everything is fine in the document.

Here is the top or the doc. Annotations  have ** next to them.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

Here is the error.
/home/maxwell/dtds/xhtml1/xhtml-special.ent line 2 col 5 entity i18n
/home/maxwell/dtds/xhtml1/xhtml1-strict.dtd line 238 col 8 entity HTML
/home/maxwell/test.html line 3 col 55  ** end quote of xml:lang="en"
Name expected; at: :lang    NMT

The XHTML1.0 dtd shows the following
<!ENTITY % i18n
 "lang        %LanguageCode; #IMPLIED
  xml:lang    %LanguageCode; #IMPLIED
  dir         (ltr|rtl)      #IMPLIED"

<!ELEMENT html (head, body)>
<!ATTLIST html
  %i18n; ** the semicolon is line 238 col 8
  xmlns       %URI;          #FIXED ''

I'm using the SGMLDECL that came with nsgmls so here is my catalog file.

  -- xml.dcl from sp --
SGMLDECL xml.dcl
DOCTYPE html xhtml1-strict.dtd
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" xhtml1-strict.dtd
PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Latin 1 for XHTML//EN" xhtml-lat1.ent
PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Symbols for XHTML//EN" xhtml-symbol.ent
PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Special for XHTML//EN" xhtml-special.ent

My sgml-catalog-files variable is set via an env var so nsgmls can use

Any ideas?


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