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Just ran out of memory -- what now?


I'm using Xt and just ran out of memory adding the 7th
chapter (roughly page 175 and only 700 more to go). I can
remove ANY chapter, and html rendering completes.

I've gone through the ordinary steps of killing all
unneccessary applications in order to free up more memory
to no avail. I've verified that there is 15% of real
physical memory left in the machine, and only 90% of
virtual is available.

What are my options?

I've included machine and software info here:

Platform: 	i686
OS:		SuSE Linux 7.2
Ram:		256 MByte
Xt:		Version 19991105
Xp:		Version 0.5
Jre:		1.3.1
Jeffrey L. Franks  (Web)

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