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Re: '#' chars displayed in ulink in table cell

Thanks for the help Jirka.  When I set ulink.hyphenate to a null string the plain text url in the fo is bracketed by the <fo:inline hyphenate="false"> element.  That sounds like the right fo element ghowever I get the following displayed in the table cell in the pdf file (as processed by Fop v0.20.rc3):


The "-" is visible but does not appear in a copy and paste so perhaps it is some type of soft hyphen.  In any case the hyphen is not in the url so having it appear in the pdf is a problem.

The following would look fine and I suppose this is what the the original ulink.hyphenate settings was trying to get the fop processor (in my case Fop v0.20.rc3) to interpret.


I wouldn't mind if it even appeared this way:


Which is what I assume <fo:inline hyphenate="false"> is intended to produce.

This seems like a FOP problem.

>Stephen Bannasch wrote:
>> Again using v1.49 of the docbook xsl stylesheets I get the following as output when displaying a ulink in a table cell.
>> CCProbe.exe
>> [http:/#/
>> #ccprobe/#download/#ccprobe-palmo
>> s/#CCProbe.exe]
>> A '#' after every '/'.
>This is because FOP can't interpret special character which signals
>where it is possible to break URLs. You can turn off this feature by
>following setting:
><xsl:param name="ulink.hyphenate" select="''"/>
>  Jirka Kosek 	                    
>  e-mail:



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