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Re: DOCBOOK: Netscape 6 doesn't parse XML file andgenerating PDF fromdefguide


	Thanks for the help. Something is strange. It can parse :

	Expat package is installed in my linux box....

>>        First of all, when I point my netscape 6.2.1 to load book.xml
>>file, nothing appears. When I point to another file, like bookinfo.xml
>>it shows me a XML undefined entity parse error. This is logical because
>>DTD is declared in book.xml and not in bookinfo.xml. This error show
>>me that Netscape is parsing xml file... I think...
> You are using Netscape which contains very insufficient XML parser.
> Netscape is unable to process external entities and thus is almost
> useless for serious DocBook processing.
> 			Jirka

Thanks a lot for your help.

Lucas Brasilino
Emprel -	Empresa Municipal de Informatica (pt_BR)
		Recife's IT City Hall Company (en_US)		
Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil
Fone: +55-81-34167078

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