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building with ant

I'm trying to build with Ant and get

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/icl/saxon/StyleSheet

but I do have the Saxxon.jar in my classpath.

I probably don't have my catalog set up properly though.  Does anyone know
if an incorrectly set up catalog would give me that error or do I really
have classpath issues?

Also, in the article on ant at,

It suggests using
<pathelement path=".."/> <!-- for -->

I'm green and don't know where ".." is (under the current directory?) so I
put mine in a catalogs directory  <pathelement

Next, when building a for sdocbook, do I just add the things in
the distribution?  sdocbookref-custom and sdocbook-custom would be left out
wouldn't they?  There aren't any ISO entity sets either.  Does that mean
none in the

Finally, the file has:


Mine is an org.apache.xml.resolver.Resolver
I assume I need to change this to reflect the apache origin as opposed to
being from Sun

Anyfeed back would be most appreciated.


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