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Announce: DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.59.1

Hash: SHA1

A new official release:

Changes since version 1.58.1 (2002-11-29)

Changes to xsl/*

  | 2003-01-12  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	* VERSION: Version 1.59.1 released.
  | 2003-01-01  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	* VERSION: Version 1.59.0 released.

Changes to xsl/common/*

  | 2003-01-10  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	* .cvsignore, l10n.xml: Added bg.xml
  | 	* Makefile: Add Bulgarian
  | 2003-01-02  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	* labels.xsl, titles.xsl: Support setindex (there were all
  | 	  sorts of things wrong with it)
  | 2003-01-01  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	* table.xsl: CALS says the default for colsep and rowsep is 1.
  | 	* table.xsl: Fix variable scoping problem
  | 	* titles.xsl: Support titleabbrev (outside of info elements
  | 	  anyway)
  | 2002-12-18  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* common.xsl: The select.mediaobject.index template now uses
  | 	  the $stylesheet.result.type parameter to choose the role
  | 	  value, with xhtml falling back to html if needed.
  | 2002-12-17  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* common.xsl: Changed selection of mediaobject to be more
  | 	  consistent using a separate select.mediaobject.index
  | 	  template. Also added text-align to block containing
  | 	  external-graphic in fo output.

Changes to xsl/fo/*

  | 2003-01-12  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	* autoidx.xsl: Make sure that indexdivs are properly scoped.
  | 	  I've done this by adding a test to suppress the division if
  | 	  it contains no terms. It seems like there might be a better
  | 	  way, but I can't see it just at the moment
  | 2003-01-08  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* xref.xsl: In olink, use document($target.database.document,
  | 	  /) so the olink target database location is relative to the
  | 	  document instead of the stylesheet.
  | 2003-01-06  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* autoidx.xsl, index.xsl: Removed the unnecessary
  | 	  generate-index-from-terms template in favor of
  | 	  generate-index, called with scope parameter.
  | 2003-01-02  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	* autoidx.xsl, index.xsl: Rework indexing to avoid XSLT
  | 	  limitation/Saxon bug with context dependencies; finish
  | 	  porting Bob's changes from FO to HTML
  | 	* index.xsl, titlepage.templates.xml, titlepage.xsl: Support
  | 	  setindex (there were all sorts of things wrong with it)
  | 2003-01-01  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	* autoidx.xsl, index.xsl: Make index elements always index the
  | 	  book that contains them (if there is one, otherwise the
  | 	  whole document); setindex always indexes the whole document
  | 	* autotoc.xsl, division.xsl, titlepage.templates.xml,
  | 	  titlepage.xsl: Support List of Procedures
  | 	* formal.xsl: Support separate property sets for figures,
  | 	  examples, equations, tables, and procedures. This way, they
  | 	  can have different border and other formatting properties.
  | 	* graphics.xsl: Support ignore.image.scaling parameter
  | 	* param.ent, param.xweb: New parameters
  | 	* xref.xsl: Use titleabbrev instead of title in xrefs
  | 2002-12-31  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	* inline.xsl: Make lineannotations italic
  | 	* pagesetup.xsl: Added template to allow
  | 	  'This Page Intentionally Left Blank' blank pages.
  | 2002-12-30  <>
  | 	* lists.xsl: Fixed spacing problem where step numbers don't
  | 	  line up with the corresponding text.
  | 2002-12-28  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	* xref.xsl: Now that xrefstyle is official; make it take
  | 	  priority even when is non-zero.
  | 	* xref.xsl: Make endterm on xref higher priority than
  | 	  xreflabel on the target
  | 2002-12-24  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* division.xsl: Fixes bug #655587 to restart page numbering
  | 	  after a preface.
  | 2002-12-18  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* autoidx.xsl: Changed sort to fold uppercase and lowercase
  | 	  together to fix odd indexdiv sort order.
  | 	* graphics.xsl: Add graphic/@align value to fo:block
  | 	  text-align property since text-align on external-graphic
  | 	  doesn't seem to work.
  | 2002-12-17  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* formal.xsl, graphics.xsl: Changed selection of mediaobject
  | 	  to be more consistent using a separate
  | 	  select.mediaobject.index template. Also added text-align to
  | 	  block containing external-graphic in fo output.
  | 2002-12-17  Jirka Kosek <>
  | 	* param.xweb: Build fixes.
  | 2002-12-17  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* titlepage.templates.xml: Made list.of.tables specifications
  | 	  the same as other list.of.*.
  | 2002-12-13  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* glossary.xsl: Handles missing otherterm target in glosssee
  | 	  and glosseealso.
  | 	* inline.xsl: Added the author et al special cases similar to
  | 	  the HTML inline.xsl templates.
  | 2002-12-12  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* autoidx.xsl: An index now contains only indexterms within
  | 	  its scope (within its parent element).
  | 	* autotoc.xsl, index.xsl: Make sure $generate.index controls
  | 	  whether the index is processed.
  | 	* formal.xsl: Change formal.object template to pass $placement
  | 	  parameter to formal.object.heading template.
  | 	* lists.xsl: Fixed bug in segmentedlist title when
  | set.
  | 2002-12-06  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* block.xsl: Fixed epigraph template so it processes all of
  | 	  its allowed children, not just para.
  | 	* graphics.xsl, param.ent, param.xweb: Enabled support for
  | 	  selecting imageobject using the role attribute.
  | 2002-12-04  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* autotoc.xsl, component.xsl, sections.xsl: Added empty
  | 	  component.toc.separator and section.toc.separator templates
  | 	  to provide customization opportunity between toc and first
  | 	  content.

Changes to xsl/html/*

  | 2003-01-12  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	* autoidx.xsl: Make sure that indexdivs are properly scoped.
  | 	  I've done this by adding a test to suppress the division if
  | 	  it contains no terms. It seems like there might be a better
  | 	  way, but I can't see it just at the moment
  | 2003-01-08  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* xref.xsl: In olink, use document($target.database.document,
  | 	  /) so the olink database location is relative to the
  | 	  document, not the stylesheet.
  | 2003-01-06  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* autoidx.xsl, index.xsl: Removed unnecessary
  | 	  generate-index-from-terms template in favor of
  | 	  generate-index with scope parameter.
  | 2003-01-02  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	* autoidx.xsl, index.xsl: Rework indexing to avoid XSLT
  | 	  limitation/Saxon bug with context dependencies; finish
  | 	  porting Bob's changes from FO to HTML
  | 	* index.xsl, titlepage.templates.xml, titlepage.xsl: Support
  | 	  setindex (there were all sorts of things wrong with it)
  | 2003-01-01  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	* autoidx.xsl, index.xsl: Make index elements always index the
  | 	  book that contains them (if there is one, otherwise the
  | 	  whole document); setindex always indexes the whole document
  | 	* autotoc.xsl: Support List of Procedures
  | 	* formal.xsl, xref.xsl: Use titleabbrev instead of title in
  | 	  xrefs
  | 	* graphics.xsl: Support ignore.image.scaling parameter; fix
  | 	  bug where 'center' is output for align on img
  | 	* param.ent, param.xweb: New parameters
  | 	* sections.xsl: Don't output section IDs twice when formatting
  | 	  subtitles
  | 2002-12-31  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	* callout.xsl: Whitespace
  | 	* graphics.xsl: Support alt text on mediaobjectco
  | 	* inline.xsl: Make lineannotations italic
  | 2002-12-28  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	* xref.xsl: Now that xrefstyle is official; make it take
  | 	  priority even when is non-zero.
  | 	* xref.xsl: Make endterm on xref higher priority than
  | 	  xreflabel on the target
  | 2002-12-18  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* autoidx.xsl: Sorts were being done on primary entries, but
  | 	  without folding upper and lower case together. Now it does
  | 	  the folding.
  | 	* graphics.xsl: Now uses select.mediaobject.index for
  | 	  selecting mediaobject. Also puts align attribute value on
  | 	  <div> as the comment says it should.
  | 2002-12-17  Jirka Kosek <>
  | 	* Makefile.param: Fixed build problems with new parameters.
  | 2002-12-17  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* math.xsl: Changed selection of mediaobject to be more
  | 	  consistent using a separate select.mediaobject.index
  | 	  template. Also added text-align to block containing
  | 	  external-graphic in fo output.
  | 2002-12-17  Jirka Kosek <>
  | 	* param.xweb: Fixed build problems with new parameters.
  | 2002-12-13  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* glossary.xsl: Handles missing otherterm targets in glosssee
  | 	  and glossseealso.
  | 2002-12-06  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* block.xsl: Fixed epigraph template to process all the
  | 	  permitted children, not just para.
  | 	* graphics.xsl, param.ent, param.xweb: Enabled selection of
  | 	  imageobject based on role attribute.
  | 2002-12-04  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* autotoc.xsl, component.xsl, sections.xsl: Added
  | 	  component.toc.separator and section.toc.separator as emtpy
  | 	  templates for customization of transition from TOC to first
  | 	  content.

Changes to xsl/params/*

  | 2003-01-01  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	*,,
  | New file.
  | 	* Whitespace and documentation
  | 	  changes
  | 	* ignore.image.scaling.xml: New file.
  | 2002-12-29  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	* Updated documentation; added an
  | 	  example showing how to use xrefstyle in the stylesheets
  | 2002-12-28  Norman Walsh <>
  | 	*,
  | 	  Whitespace and documentation tweaks
  | 2002-12-17  Jirka Kosek <>
  | 	* preferred.mediaobject.role.xml: Fixed build problems with
  | 	  new parameters.
  | 	* profile.role.xml: Ooops. No DTD, no entites :-(
  | 	* profile.role.xml: Added warning against usage of role
  | 	  attribute for profiling.
  | 2002-12-06  Robert Stayton <>
  | 	* preferred.mediaobject.role.xml,
  | 	  use.role.for.mediaobject.xml: New file.

Changes to xsl/manpages/*

  | 2003-01-05  <>
  | 	* docbook.xsl: Add replacement ulink template from xmlto,
  | 	  fixing bug #619500. Written by Tim Waugh.
  | 	* docbook.xsl: Prevent a line beginning with a '.' character
  | 	  being interpreted as a troff macro by inserting \& (a
  | 	  zero-width space) before every '.' in text.
  | 	* docbook.xsl: Second half of fix for #628888: add template
  | 	  for <optional>.
  | 	* docbook.xsl: First part of fix for #628888: - don't use
  | 	  generic italic/bold templates for things like <replaceable>,
  | 	  since <replaceable> can contain other elements, but the
  | 	  templates discard any non-PCDATA content.
  | 	* xref.xsl: Make xref work again, though I'm not sure why it
  | 	  stopped working.

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <>      | Worrying is the most natural and | spontaneous of all human
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | functions. It is time to
                                   | acknowledge this, perhaps even to
                                   | learn to do it better.--Lewis
                                   | Thomas
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