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Re: website and dir

At 23:10 14/01/2003 -0500, Kevin Dunn wrote:
I am using website 2.3 and have within layout.xml:
<tocentry page="myfile.xml" dir="mydir" filename="myfile.html"/>

myfile.xml contains:
<mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="../graphics/mygif.gif
" format="GIF" width="50%" align="center"/></imageobject></mediaobject>

which works fine. Using "./graphics/mygif.gif" in fileref, the browser will look in mydir/graphics. Using "/graphics/mygif.gif" the browser will look in the root directory of the server. I would like to keep all of my graphics in one place but I don't want to have to keep track of how many ".."s to use when using the "dir=" attribute of <tocentry>. Is there a way to reference files relative to the root directory of the website (as opposed to the root directory of the server)?
Hi Kevin.

Sorry, no.

Same as you, I use whatever root I'm building for and create the graphics directory there.
I tend to have the majority of files two levels down, so its nearly always the same relative
location which makes it easier, i.e. ../../graphics .

I don't think there's a magic bullet.... unless.
No (Or I didn't find it)
I was looking for a parameter to set the basic graphics path base.

There is
<xsl:param name=""

where to look for warning graphic,
but there is no base path, which would solve your problem.

regards DaveP

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