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[NW-XSLT:FO] styling chapter (/component) titles


I use Norman Walsh's XSLTs 1.59.2 to generate FO.

Setting stuff via the titlepage mechanism works so far: changing

<!ENTITY hsize5 "24.8832pt">

to be 4pt changes the generated FO, and makes chapter titles very small. But changing font-weight="bold" to font-weight="100" does not have any effect: the generated FO file is not changed in any way.

Very strange ...

In titlepage.templates.xsl I get

<xsl:template match="title" mode="">
<fo:block xmlns:fo=""; xsl:use-attribute-sets="" text-align="center" keep-with-next="always" font-size="24.8832pt" font-weight="100" font-family="{$}">
<xsl:call-template name="component.title">
<xsl:with-param name="node" select="ancestor-or-self::article[1]"/>

... or font-weight="200" if I make that change in my.titlepage.templates.xml and regenerate titlepage.templates.xsl .

But the 200 does not appear in the generated FO (it doesn't change at all if I change font-size="[...]").

Is the error on my side, or in the XSLTs? If the latter, should it be fixed in the very latest XSLTs?



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