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dsl + jadetex font tweaking

I have an almost insignificant problem that I have had little success in understanding--the degree symbol in my generated pdf has extra whitespace at the end. I have looked in the .tex output from openjade and jadetex and there is no extra whitespace there. I can only suspect that tex itself thinks that the symbol is wider than it acutally is. As far as I can tell:

myfile.tex specifies FamName{Times-Roman}
Times-Roman is a synonym for t1ptm
The dimensions of the characters in this font are defined in
This file has a line:
C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 390 343 676 ;

Can anyone tell me how to tell tex that the degree symbol should be narrower than currently defined? It's a small problem, but a nagging one.

Kevin M. Dunn
Professor of Chemistry
Hampden-Sydney College

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