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[docbook-apps] WEBSITE.DTD

Hi folks,

just in case anybody got the same problems than me.

using website xsl stylesheets with xsltproc needs lots of memory 
because each document has a dtd which is loaded by xsltproc and kept 
in memory.  

look for a further discussion:

As mentioned there: you can use the option --novalid in 
xsltproc to prevent DTD loading. But be aware of some default values 
defined in the DTD.

the stylesheets rely sometimes on them like in toc-tabular.xsl (look 
for attribute [@tocskip = 0]. 

so you get strange result if you build with --novalid if you dont put 
tocskip=0 in each of your tocentrys in layout.xml.

Maybe sometimes its better if the stylesheet does not rely on the dtd 
and check for [!@tocskip  or @tocskip = 0]

But of course, xslt processing without DTD is not a good idea at all 
anyway, but ist much faster.

I have build a website of about 100 webpages with 30 K each and on a 
128MB machine xsltproc just cant build it because of DTD loading 
inside autolayout.xsl. this is not what i expected. 

Does other processor have the same problems with memory consumption?

kind regards,


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