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Re: [docbook-apps] Catalog lookups with openjade on redhat 9.0 withoutnetwork connection fail

Hi Maarten,

your processing tool wants to retrieve the DTD from the address given in your document's header:

If you want to use your local version, then use an XML catalog to map public identifiers to specific locations on your machine. See Bob's tutorial on using XML catalogs for all the details involved: It's pretty easy to set up. Best install the XML catalog at the default position (/etc/xml/catalog).


Sanders, M. schrieb:


Today I - an 'out of the box' docbook user - ran into an intriguing

I have been using docbook succesfully for the lat 3 weeks on my redhat
9.0 system. Not being a guru I opted to install everything (so every
single package on the 3 cd's is installed). I create both html and pdf

openjade -t xml -d
/usr/share/sgml/xml.dcl mydoc.xml
openjade -t xml -d
/usr/share/sgml/xml.dcl mydoc.xml
jadetex mydoc.tex
pdfjadetex mydoc.tex

This works fine. However, today I noticed when there were network was
down the commands above did not give any  output. I did get a message

could not resolve host ""
and then it starts complaining about missing element declarations in the
DTD, undefined elements etc..

The header of mydoc.xml looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"

Since I have everything installed on my system I would expect being not
on a network would still allow me to parse xml files but apparently
there is something 'wrong' on the out of the box redhat install. Anyone
got a clue where to start looking to solve this issue? In fact, I want
to be able to process xml files also when I am on the road.

Kind regards,

Maarten Sanders

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