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[docbook-apps] Programlistingco creates table in HTMLHelp but not in XHTML

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*  0.7 -- BODY: HTML has images with 600-800 bytes of words
*  4.5 -- Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook

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--- Begin Message ---
This mail was caught by SpamAssassin before. I'll try to send it again.

Why isn't it the same in HTMLHelp and XHTML?

For HTMLHelp I use Saxon with a customized template: java
com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet writing-documentation.xml
.xsl html.stylesheet=docbook.css use.extensions=1

For XHTML I use Saxon with the standard docbook-template.

<div class="programlistingco"><table border="0"
bgcolor="#ffffff"><tr><td><pre class="programlisting">sub do_nothing_useful
    my($a, $b, $c);

    $a = new A;  </pre></td></tr></table> <span class="co"><img
src="/images/callouts/1.png" alt="(1)"></span>

<div class="programlistingco"><pre class="programlisting">sub
do_nothing_useful {
    my($a, $b, $c);

    $a = new A;              <span xmlns="" class="co"><img
src="images/callouts/1.png" alt="(1)"/></span>


Kenneth Johansson	Technical Documentation Manager
Sectra Imtec AB
Teknikringen 2		E-mail: ke-joh AT sectra DOT se
SE-583 30 Linköping	Phone:	+46 13 23 52 00

--- End Message ---
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