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Re: [docbook-apps] Unsuccessful with Saxon and Fop

I can duplicate this problem with xsltproc and FOP 0.20.5.
The "IPD" in the message is the inline-progression-dimension.

It turns out that this is a bug in the stylesheet.
The revhistory element generates a table that uses the
proportional-column-width() function to set the column
widths.  But the table does not have an overall width
indicator.  Here is what the XSL-FO spec says about it:

The use of the "proportional-column-width()" function is only permitted
when the fixed table layout is used.

If the use of proportional column widths are desired on a table of an
unknown explicit width, the inline-progression-dimension cannot be
specified to be "auto". Instead, the width must be specified as a
percentage. For example, setting table-layout="fixed" and
inline-progression-dimension="100%" would allow proportional column
widths while simultaneously creating a table as wide as possible in the
current context.

I interpret this to mean that a table cannot use
proportional columns if no horizontal dimension is
specified at all.  

If I add width="100%" to the fo:table for revhistory,
there is no error.  Apparently it has to be specified as
some width value.  Should the revhistory table be fixed
at 100% width?

Bob Stayton                                 400 Encinal Street
Publications Architect                      Santa Cruz, CA  95060
Technical Publications                      voice: (831) 427-7796
The SCO Group                               fax:   (831) 429-1887

On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 07:11:59PM -0500, John Himpel wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to tranform a simple docbook xml file into a pdf. I am using
> Saxon
> and Fop.  I keep getting the following error from Fop:
> [ERROR] At least one of minimum, optimum, or maximum IPD must be
> specified on table.
> Supporting documentation below:
> Toolset:
> saxon:            6.5.1
> xerces:           2.5.1
> fop:              0.20.5
> xml-dtd:          4.2
> xsl-stylesheets:  1.61.2
> .xml document is below:
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
> <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN'
> '' >
> <chapter id='Chapter'>
>   <chapterinfo>
>     <authorgroup>
>       <corpauthor>
>         The <trademark>GPL</trademark> Project, Inc.
>       </corpauthor>
>       <author>
>         <firstname>John</firstname>
>         <surname>Doe</surname>
>         <authorblurb>
>           <para>
>             <email>jdoe@GPL.Org</email>
>           </para>
>         </authorblurb>
>       </author>
>       <editor>
>         <surname>
>           The <trademark>GPL</trademark> Project, Inc. Documentation
> Team
>         </surname>
>       </editor>
>     </authorgroup>
>     <copyright>
>       <year>2001</year>
>       <holder>The <trademark>GPL</trademark> Project, Inc.</holder>
>     </copyright>
>     <releaseinfo>
>         This documentation was released as part of
>         <trademark>GPL</trademark> &relvers;
>     </releaseinfo>
>     <revhistory>
>       <revision>
>         <revnumber>1.0</revnumber>
>         <date>2001/06/01</date>
>         <authorinitials>DD</authorinitials>
>         <revremark>Final LinuxDoc Version</revremark>
>       </revision>
>       <revision>
>         <revnumber>1.1</revnumber>
>         <date>2001/11/12</date>
>         <authorinitials>
>           The <trademark>GPL</trademark> Project, Inc. Documentation
> Team
>         </authorinitials>
>         <revremark>Conversion to DocBook</revremark>
>       </revision>
>     </revhistory>
>     <productnumber>
>       $id:$
>     </productnumber>
>   </chapterinfo>
>   <title>Sample Chapter</title>
>   <para>
>     Paragraph 1.
>   </para>
> </chapter>
> Script to run Saxon:
> SAXON_BIN=/usr/local/Saxon
> SAXON_EXTENSIONS_BIN=/home/jdoe/GPL/Devel/xml/docbook/oasis-open/docbook-xsl/extensions
> XERCES_BIN=/usr/local/Xerces/xerces-2_5_0
> ${SAXON_BIN}/saxon.jar:\
> ${SAXON_EXTENSIONS_BIN}/saxon651.jar:\
> ${XERCES_BIN}/xercesImpl.jar:\
> ./xml
> export CLASSPATH
> /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_02/bin/java \
> -Djavax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl \
> -Djax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl \
>        com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet \
>        -o fo/${1}.fo \
>        -x \
>        -y \
>        -r \
>        -u \
>        ${1}.xml \
>        xml/docbook/oasis-open/docbook-xsl/fo/docbook.xsl \
>        fop.extensions=1 \
>        use.extensions=1
> Script to run fop:
> AVALON_BIN=/usr/local/Fop/fop-0.20.5/lib
> BATIK_BIN=/usr/local/Fop/fop-0.20.5/lib
> FOP_BIN=/usr/local/Fop/fop-0.20.5/build
> JIMI_BIN=/usr/local/Fop/fop-0.20.5/lib
> XALAN_BIN=/usr/local/Xalan/xalan-j_2_5_1/bin
> XERCES_BIN=/usr/local/Xerces/xerces-2_5_0
> ${AVALON_BIN}/avalon-framework-cvs-20020806.jar:\
> ${BATIK_BIN}/batik.jar:\
> ${FOP_BIN}/fop.jar:\
> ${XALAN_BIN}/xalan.jar:\
> ${XERCES_BIN}/xercesImpl.jar:\
> ${JIMI_BIN}/JimiProClasses.jar
> export CLASSPATH
> /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_02/bin/java \
>         org.apache.fop.apps.Fop \
>         -fo \
>         fo/${1}.fo \
>         -pdf \
>         pdf/${1}.pdf
> The new Xerces is because when I get this to work properly, I am hoping
> to
> begin using the newly supported XInclude.
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Also, will the saxon651 extension work with only saxon 6.5.1 or will it
> work with any version of saxon 6.5.1 or later?
> John

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