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Re: [docbook-apps] Re: Hebrew Characters in PDFs

On Sun, 2003-09-28 at 10:29, Tobias Reif wrote:
> Well with all due respect, but a post like this is neither informative 
> nor helpful in any way.
> If FOP requires me to extract font metrics from a TTF file with a tool 
> supplied by FOP, then FOP should be able to do that automatically by 
> itself, AFAICS.
> It also should be able to search for required glyphs, in all fonts 
> available on the system, AFAICS. (on Windows just scan the typical font 
> dir for example)
> Now my question was: What technical facts keep it from doing that?

The most likely reason is that FOP doesn't know where to look.  For
example where is the "typical font dir", etc., on the multitude of
platforms that Java supports?

Weiqi Gao

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