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Re: [docbook-apps] xi:include makes XML doc invalid; xmllint says so; seems wrong

I think you should use only the --postvalid option, not
the --valid option which tells it to validate before the
xinclude is resolved.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Whitlatch" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 9:02 PM
Subject: [docbook-apps] xi:include makes XML doc invalid; xmllint says so;
seems wrong

> I am trying to use xi:include in a very simple document just to make
> sure I can get it to work before I use it in a real document. I am
> trying to repeat the technique used in the "Validating with XIncludes"
> section in Chapter 19. Modular DocBook Files of DocBook XSL: The
> Complete Guide.
> Perhaps I have missed something obvious. Any suggestions?
> I use the following command:
> xmllint --noout --nonet --valid --xinclude --postvalid front.xml
> I get the following errors messages:
> ***************************************
> front.xml:8: element include: validity error :
> No declaration for attribute xmlns:xi of element include
> <xi:include  href="legal.xml" xmlns:xi="
> XInclude">
> front.xml:8: element include: validity error : No declaration for
> attribute href of element include
> <xi:include  href="legal.xml" xmlns:xi="
> XInclude">
> front.xml:11: element fallback: validity error : No declaration for
> element fallback
> </xi:fallback>
> front.xml:12: element include: validity error : No declaration for
> element include
> </xi:include>
> front.xml:13: element bookinfo: validity error : Element bookinfo
> content does not follow the DTD, expecting (graphic | mediaobject |
> legalnotice | modespec | subjectset | keywordset | itermset | abbrev
> | abstract | address | artpagenums | author | authorgroup |
> authorinitials | bibliomisc | biblioset | collab | confgroup |
> contractnum | contractsponsor | copyright | corpauthor | corpname |
> date | edition | editor | invpartnumber | isbn | issn | issuenum |
> orgname | biblioid | citebiblioid | bibliosource | bibliorelation |
> bibliocoverage | othercredit | pagenums | printhistory | productname
> | productnumber | pubdate | publisher | publishername | pubsnumber |
> releaseinfo | revhistory | seriesvolnums | subtitle | title |
> titleabbrev | volumenum | citetitle | personname | honorific |
> firstname | surname | lineage | othername | affiliation | authorblurb
> | contrib | indexterm)+, got (title xi:include )
>   </bookinfo>
> ***************************************
> But the XML document front.xml is very simple and it seems to me that
> this is a valid document:
> *******  front.xml    **********************
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
> <!DOCTYPE bookinfo PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
>  "";>
>   <bookinfo>
>     <title>Title</title>
>     <xi:include  href="legal.xml"
>         xmlns:xi="";>
>       <xi:fallback>
>         <para><emphasis>FIXME:  MISSING XINCLUDE CONTENT
>                     </emphasis></para>
>       </xi:fallback>
>     </xi:include>
>   </bookinfo>
> *****************************
> And the document legal.xml is very simple:
> ********  legal.xml   *********************
> <!DOCTYPE legalnotice PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
>  "";>
>     <legalnotice>
>       <para>
>       </para>
>     </legalnotice>
> *****************************
> Here's the info on my xmllint version:
> xmllint: using libxml version 20606
> compiled with: DTDValid FTP HTTP HTML C14N Catalog XPath XPointer
> XInclude Iconv Unicode Regexps Automata Schemas
> Thanks for any help you can offer.
> Steve Whitlatch
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