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Re: [docbook-apps] Referencing figures withouth displaying their title


Are you using any other stylesheet customizations besides the local.l10n.xml
parameter?  In particular, is something being done with the mode named
"is.autonumber"?  That mode determines whether a given element should be
treated as numbered or not.
Bob helped me with that one off-list, I will summarize his findings for the list:

The cause of the error-messages was my use of the xrefstyle in some of my xrefs:
<xref linkend="mot" role="select: label"/>

Where 'mot' is the ID of a preface-element. Those don't have labels. It is possible to generate labels for other elements, e.g. figures and chapters, resulting in 'Figure 1.23' or 'Chapter 4'.
Since a preface and e.g. a IDied para don't have labels there is no xref-number context which results in the error-message.

One could use <xref linkend="mot" role="select: title"/> to refer to preface.

best regards and thanks to Bob

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