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Re: Undefined control sequence.[\FOT{2}\Seq%]

Caro Emanuele,

Il tuo problema e` abbastanza semplice, e negli archivi di questa
lista c'e` la risposta (te la spediro` separatamente).

Devi usare jadetex, come hai gia provato a fare, ma devi dire a TeX di
usare piu` memoria.  Il motivo e` che il piu` piccolo documento
jadetex usa un casino di spazio interno a causa delle

La patch che ti spediro` ti fara` aumentare il "pool space".

[ For non-italian speakers: Emanuele did the right thing in trying to
use "jadetex file.tex" (in fact, he could have just used db2dvi or
db2ps), but he needs to increase TeX's use of memory.  I'll send him
the patch for that privately, and it should also be in the archives of
this list.]

    emanuele> I already checked Tex configuration and it work very
    emanuele> fine also with big documents, so i think the problem is
    emanuele> still on DocBook-Jade-TeXFOTBuilder package.

Good thinking, but slightly off: when you use jadetex the memory
required is way way bigger.

    emanuele> Anyone can help me to solve this puzzle?  Thanks in
    emanuele> advance for any suggestion and sorry if the question is
    emanuele> not very cool...

It's certainly trendy: Red Hat people are embarassed that they keep
shipping teTeX distributions that do not handle this, and they have
fixed the problem for Red Hat 6.1.

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