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Re: Re : db2??????? vs. SGMLTools2 vs. what else?

On Wed, Feb 23, 2000 at 10:43:50AM +0100, Eric Bischoff wrote:
> Announcement :
> I have been repackaging completly the DocBook tools and
> rewritten all db* utilities.
> What I have been seeking is :
> - to have the db2* scripts change their status from "unmaintained"
>   to "maintained"

It would be nice...

> - to have better directory organization in /usr/lib/sgml

It depends on your distribution. How's you /usr/lib/sgml? I've done a
few customizations here... :-) 

> - to have things work better with alternate stylesheets

I do it with a wrapper, a Makefile and standar tools: jade/openjade &
norm's modular stylesheets. 

> - to make as little assumptions as possible : no
>   "common" stylesheet for html and printout if not wished,
>   no need of merging the individual catalogs in a single CATALOG
>   if not wished, etc

It's not difficult. That's one of the reasons I don't use Cygnus

> - gnuish syntax

Hmmm... It would require some programming, but... it's possible too. 

> - compatibility (if no alternate stylesheets used) with
>   former docbook-tools

What do you mean by "compatibility"? If your document is written in
DocBook, it should be compatible with any tools used to process
DocBook files.

> My distribution will be used by Caldera OpenLinux and KDE project. I'm
> proposing to
> make it the standard docbook-tools as well, if you agree. Just let me
> know.

If you need some help, just drop me a message. 

Godoy.	<>               GPG Fingerprint
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 é minha maneira de estar sozinho"
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