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Re: DAVENPORT: [Ramses Morales <>] docbook question

On 21 Jun 1999, Mark Galassi wrote:

>How can I make the page number for the table of contents to be rendered
>in roman numbers?

I've experimented with this also and haven't found a clean solution.
What I've done is add this to jadetex.cfg:


               \if\PageNumberRestart 1
                \if\PageNumberRestart 1

This doesn't really work as it should. If you have a <part> before a
<chapter>, the <part> division will be numbered at the end of the
front matter, but with an arabic folio instead of roman. The problem
only shows up if the <part> title is in the TOC, the page number will
be off by the number of pages in your TOC with the next entry,
probably <chapter> listed as page 1.

That's the best I've discovered so far. Jade's TeX output is difficult
to edit by hand, but since you'll have to do it anyway to make a
production quality book, I'd be inclined to fix that small glitch by

-- Jay

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