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Re: DAVENPORT: "Using a Split Document" with Emacs/PSGML

> > So concretely, I have a separate *.sgml file for each chapter=20
> > of a book.
> > How should I specify psgml which DTD to use, when editing one
> > of those separate files ?

  ;;; Local Variables:                              ***
  ;;; sgml-parent-document: ("learning.sgm" "book") ***
  ;;; sgml-indent-data: t                           ***
  ;;; sgml-validate-command: "make valid"           ***
  ;;; End:                                          ***

The prefix and suffix (;;; and ***) aren't necessary, though I like
them; Emacs will assume that whatever comes before and after "Local
Variables:" comes before and after every line.

The parameter to sgml-parent-document is a list; the first string in
the list is the filename of the parent, and the second is the GI
(element type) of the top-level element.  Do C-h v sgml-parent RET for
more information.

<!ENTITY crism PUBLIC "-//O'Reilly//NONSGML Christopher R. Maden//EN"
"<URL> <TEL>+1.617.499.7487
<USMAIL>90 Sherman Street, Cambridge, MA 02140 USA" NDATA SGML.Geek>

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