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Re: DAVENPORT: page format

> If I convert sgml to ps and want to change the page format ( didnt wa=
> nt to
> have so much
> free space left under the page) where can I change this.
> Another thing are the pagenumbers. I would like to have
> 3 of 20 for example and not only 3..

It depends on the software that you're using to generate the PS.

If you use Jade, for example, to go via LaTeX, then you can specify a
lot of this via the DSSSL stylesheet. If you do a tailor-made
conversion to LaTeX with something like Omnimark, then you just add the
relevant bells and whistles to the LaTeX file (ie change the pageheight
and add the stylefile that does that style pagenumbering [pagetotal.sty
or something I think], then reprocess). 

This flexibility is the very reason for using something programmable
like LaTeX, but you could do something similar with Frame or

But it does depend on the software how you do it: it has very little
if anything to do with the SGML.


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