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Re: DAVENPORT: Maintaing documents for multiple languages

C'est ainsi que Berthold Hoellmann ( s'exprimait:

] Hello,

] I´m writing some InHouse documentation using the DocBook DTD and the
] Modular DSSSL DocBook Stylesheets. This document should be published in
] german and english. I´m new to DocBook and don´t know too much SGML now,
] but I thought it must be possible to keep the text in one source file,
] to make changes easier when the paragraph written in german and the one
] written in english are direct neighbours. Is there a way to write my
] document this way?
I'm new also to this list and solved recently the same problem.
I used in the wml package the preprocessor wml_p9_slice as follow :

wml_p9_slice -o ENuUNDEF:HP-HOWTO-EN.sgml -o FRuUNDEF:HP-HOWTO-FR.sgml HP-HOWTO.sgml

and in my document I have such topics: 

<!-- HP-HOWTO 25 Juillet 1999-->
   <!ENTITY oui "[FR:Oui:FR][EN:Yes:EN]">
   <!ENTITY non "[FR:Non:FR][EN:No:EN]">
   <!ENTITY aucune "[FR:Sans:FR][EN:None:EN]">
   <!ENTITY et "[FR:et:FR][EN:and:EN]">
   <!ENTITY ou "[FR:ou:FR][EN:or:EN]"> 

<book[FR: lang="fr":FR]>
<title>HP HOWTO</title>
Guide d'utilisation et de configuration des produits HP sous Linux
Utilisation and Configuration Guide of HP products under Linux

and so on...
It work really fine for me.

BTW, may I use that list to ask some questions on the DTD DocBook
and the sgmltools. If these questions are not adequate here, please
forgive me and give me the right places to find more documentations
or the right people :-)

I would like to know how to change the generation code of some post-
processor : eg my problems are to justify paragraphs in PS or TXT (not in 
HTML of course), to control size and position of images in documents, 
to force a page break in case of PS docs, or to generate bold text.

I hava also problems with URLs. They are correct in the HTML. But they
don't appear at all in the PS (I would like at least a note at the end of the
page or something like lynx does when it dumps a page).

I have also problems with the DTD 3.0/3.1 with Titles in french for the
HTML generated code :

>Rozdzia³ 2.
Présentation de Linux et des logiciels libres

Rozdzia³ instead of Châpitre ?

As I progress in the redaction of the text I will surely have other
kind of problems, so if you have pointers to more examples, please
send them to me.

thanks in advance for any answer,
Bruno Cornec  Centre de compétences Logiciels Libres Tél: 01 69 33 73 14
                      Médasys Digital Systems        Fax: 01 69 33 73 02
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