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Re: entity reference into entity definition

On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 02:53:09PM -0400, Camille Begnis wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm working on a document translated to many languages. While the
> structure of the document is the same for each language, I would like to
> have a unique "top" sgml document referencing the chapters of a single
> language.
> My question is How do I parametrize the call to different languages?
> I tried something like that, but it doesn't work:
> <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
> <!ENTITY Lang "en" >
> <!ENTITY ch-a SYSTEM "&Lang;/legal_notice_chapter.sgml">
> ...
> the different chapters being stored in en/ fr/ es/ ... directories
> depending on the language.
> I want to  be able to change one single entity (Lang) in order to have
> my target doc in french (for ex.)

How about using a parameter entities? You would have this main file with
"sections" selected accordingly to these entities values.


<!doctype book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [

<!-- Define the desired output language -->
<!entity % en "INCLUDE">
<!entity % fr "IGNORE">
<!entity % es "IGNORE">

<!-- Define the external entities containing the document text -->
<!-- English -->
<!entity chap1-en SYSTEM "en/chap1.sgml">
<!entity chap2-en SYSTEM "en/chap2.sgml">
<!-- French -->
<!entity chap1-fr SYSTEM "fr/chap1.sgml">
<!entity chap1-fr SYSTEM "fr/chap2.sgml">
<!-- Spanish -->
<!entity chap1-es SYSTEM "es/chap1.sgml">
<!entity chap1-es SYSTEM "es/chap1.sgml">






If you wanto to switch from English to Spanish, change the "en" entity
definition from "INCLUDE" to "IGNORE" and change the "es" entity from

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