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Creating a transformation into an <a href>

Attempting to grab the url attribute from a <ulink> node (DocBook XML file).
The click able text is added on at the end of the parent node <para>.

2. Focus and Scope:
This guideline is focused on the process-to-process exchange of structured data (information objects). This approach is most applicable when the exchanging partners retain different application software configurations (for example, this guideline might not apply to exchange between two systems based on similar Oracle databases). It is intended to stimulate discussion about campus interoperability between technology planners and managers, technologists and engineers responsible for implementing exchanges of structured data.
This architecture for information object exchange is only one of several potential solutions. Other approaches such as workflow and messaging provide a richer set of functions for information object administration but require much closer collaboration on software selection. Generic clients such as web and/or TN3270 provide an only slightly reduced level of autonomy but may be more difficult to integrate closely with a particular business application. This guideline is not directed at workflow, messaging or web clients. There is no intent, explicit or implicit, in this guideline to constrain solutions for those environments. For more information about these other areas please see the "Related Architectural Areas" section of named Issues and Context for Implementing Process-to-process Exchange of Structured Data. "Related Architectural Areas"Issues and Context for Implementing Process-to-process Exchange of Structured Data.

XML file
        <title> Focus and Scope:</title>
           This guideline is focused on the process-to-process exchange of structured data (information objects). This approach is most applicable when the exchanging partners retain different application software configurations (for example, this guideline might not apply to exchange between two systems based on similar Oracle databases). It is intended to stimulate discussion about campus interoperability between technology planners and managers, technologists and engineers responsible for implementing exchanges of structured data.
           This architecture for information object exchange is only one of several potential solutions. Other approaches such as workflow and messaging provide a richer set of functions for information object administration but require much closer collaboration on software selection. Generic clients such as web and/or TN3270 provide an only slightly reduced level of autonomy but may be more difficult to integrate closely with a particular business application. This guideline is not directed at workflow, messaging or web clients. There is no intent, explicit or implicit, in this guideline to constrain solutions for those environments. For more information about these other areas please see the
           <ulink url="">
                <citetitle>"Related Architectural Areas"</citetitle>
           </ulink> section of named
           <ulink url="">
                <citetitle><i>Issues and Context for Implementing Process-to-process Exchange of Structured Data.</i></citetitle>

XSL file

  <!-- Template for the <ulink> tag                                   -->
  <xsl:template match="ulink">
    <xsl:param name="link"><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:param> 
    <a href="{$link}">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="citetitle"/>

  <!-- Template for the <citetitle> tag                               -->
  <xsl:template match="citetitle">
      <xsl:value-of select="."/>

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